Only 1000 miles left!

Day 23? We made it to Silverthorne CO today. We have had a couple of great days in Colorado. We are back to big hills which is great because that means there are tree again. We met up with my Aunt Lizzy and her boyfriend Shane in Silverthorne today. It was great meeting people we knew for the first time this trip. Tomorrow we are going to climb our first hill to bring us above 11,000 feet and the second highest point on the course. It should be interesting.

7 thoughts on “Only 1000 miles left!

  1. Kristen S says:

    Wow 23 days and still going strong – you guys rock!!! Keep the updates coming – It is fun to follow your adventures!

  2. Nancy says:

    How fun that you met up with your aunt and Shane. Did you ride together? “Only” 1000 miles left…will you be sorry when it’s over?

  3. Remember, the earliest day I can get to Antelope Wells is the 17th and I am coming all the way there to see you cross the FINISH LINE! Don’t go too fast now. Time it just right. I’ll be that crazy woman waving like mad at you as you come into sight. See you soon!

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